It's a bit like opening a history book taking up floorboards when you're laying new cables. In our last house the most interesting thing I found was the original bakelite light switches, which by the look of them had been prised off the walls with a crowbar.This time around, it's electrical bits again, but slightly more interesting. This box I guess held the original service fuse from when the house was built.
The fun and games of doing up a 1920's house, and adding a bit of Home Automation on route.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
It's Never Money
It's a bit like opening a history book taking up floorboards when you're laying new cables. In our last house the most interesting thing I found was the original bakelite light switches, which by the look of them had been prised off the walls with a crowbar.This time around, it's electrical bits again, but slightly more interesting. This box I guess held the original service fuse from when the house was built.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Space For Rent?
Seagate Hard Drive |
Computer Stuff
Monday, 25 April 2011
Room Number 2
With the front lounge 90% done, I've moved onto the small bedroom, although we use this as an office as it's only a box room size. The odd picture you see on the left is actually a hole in the ceiling. This room had two recessed down lighters, at 100W each ensured it was quite bright! These had to go, so after I took them out I screwed a piece of marine ply to the rafters above each hole, then filled the holes with plasterboard cut to size.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
It's Been a While
It's gorgeous weather outside, Steven's getting stuck in out in the garden, and I've realised I've not posted a blog for ages, so here goes.
The front lounge is more or less done, just needs to pictures up. Idratek is installed in there and is working well. The picture on the right is the light switch just in side the door. Okay not the most exciting of switches! But the modular design means I can decide how many buttons each plate has.
The front lounge is more or less done, just needs to pictures up. Idratek is installed in there and is working well. The picture on the right is the light switch just in side the door. Okay not the most exciting of switches! But the modular design means I can decide how many buttons each plate has.
Home Automation
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