This is the second day, and I've surprised myself another post!
Busy day in the office dear... 3 voice sessions, Mitch Johnson for BBC Radio Kent. BBC Radio Cleveland with the lovely Wendy Lloyd, who left her sun glasses in the booth, and the famous Bill Oddie who was in to record a whole load of ident and trail lines for the up coming Springwatch pan-BBC event. He was good fun, and really made fun of some of the repetitive lines he had to read. Just got to cut them up and send them out to the stations now
The aircon in the office seems to have been on a go slow today, but it was a bit hot out!
By the way if you are wondering what the photo on the right is, I just thought this post needed some colour. So, this is a photo of a posh grave I took last year whilst on a walk we did around Kensal Green cemetery. Bit bizarre, but I quite like it.
Whilst on a work trip last week one of my best mates and colleague Gerald got to show me his new satellite Navigation. Now, I was a bit wary of such devices, I've always had a good sense of direction and quite like finding my way around new places. But then again I love gadgets and wasting money. So on the way back from Leek last Wednesday I popped into Halfords where the Garmin Street Pilot i3 was on offer. It was the same make and model as Geralds.
Whilst on a work trip last week one of my best mates and colleague Gerald got to show me his new satellite Navigation. Now, I was a bit wary of such devices, I've always had a good sense of direction and quite like finding my way around new places. But then again I love gadgets and wasting money. So on the way back from Leek last Wednesday I popped into Halfords where the Garmin Street Pilot i3 was on offer. It was the same make and model as Geralds.
Within about 5 mins of leaving the shop it was up and running and giving me directions home. It's not the most expensive model in the world, not quite a Tom-Tom, but seems to work ok, although she can be a bit fussy at times especially at roundabouts. I say she, as I've chosen the British female voice, who I'm sure is a BBC Radio 4 announcer. Anyway I've nicknamed her Doris and she'll be helping me home again later today, once again from sunny Leek, what fun!
Welcome to my blog.
This is my first post, and who knows I might continue it past today. I kept a diary once whilst I was at school, 1987 and it lasted about 3 months before I got bored. I picked it up the other day, makes quite scary reading. I was obviously more obsessed with the idea of keeping a diary than actually writing in it. It was A5 size and consisted of the first month being packed with random thoughts, then the second a little less packed and the third mainly what the weather was doing. A bit bizarre for a 16 year old!?